About Me

Melanie Wynnum Herald 15-7-15Hi, my name is Melanie and I live east of Brisbane in sunny Queensland, Australia. I’ve been knitting and crocheting on and off for most of my life however in the last two or so years for some reason I can’t seem to do anything but knit, spin or crochet. My favourite hobby of reading has even taken a back seat to my knitting. I learnt how to knit socks in August 2012 and have knitted over 50 pairs now! I also knit lots of scarves and shawls as it is just too hot in Brisbane to knit jumpers or sweaters. We don’t get very cold winters unfortunately!

My other passions are reading, cryptic crosswords and playing scrabble and crafting with my friends every week.

I love blogging about my yarn projects and my yarn and I love it even more when you leave comments for me. I endeavour to answer each and every one of them. You can also contact me directly through the ‘Contact Me’ page which can be found on the top banner of my blog page.

I am a member of the Redlands Spinners & Weavers club which is located in the eastern suburbs of Brisbane. I am their website administrator and the newsletter editor.

I have a 30 year old son who lives nearby and I still work full-time. I am now working three days a week. Yay….more time for my fibre crafts!

My favourite local holiday haunt is Noosaville and I try to get there for three weeks every year. My other two favourite holiday spots that aren’t too far away are New Zealand and Tasmania.

I am also the owner of seven beautiful spinning wheels! I seem to be either buying, selling and being given wheels, so I’ve started a table to record all the activity!

# Maker Model
SOLD Ashford Traditional (with an added double treadle kit)
SOLD Ettrick Standard
SOLD Rappard Little Peggy
SOLD Rappard Wee Peggy
SOLD Tarra Carousel
SOLD Ashford Traveller
SOLD Ashford Traditional
SOLD Fomotor Peacock
1 Crofter Upright
2 Brian Vincent Nancy
SOLD Fenton Windwheel
SOLD Roy McKnight Brief (Suitcase) Wheel
SOLD Ashford Traditional DD
SOLD Unknown Upright
SOLD Ashford eSpinner
3 Sickinger Kitty
SOLD Genesis Arnon
SOLD Ashford Scholar
4 Sleeping Beauty Thumbelina
SOLD Ashford Traveller
SOLD Rappard Little Peggy
SOLD George H Young Traditional
SOLD Unknown One off
SOLD Rappard Wee Peggy
56 Roy McKnight Brief (Suitcase) Wheel
Upright Wheel
SOLD Ashford Kiwi
SOLD Ashford Traveller
7 Camelot Upright
SOLD Tarra Colonial

Wheels x 12 8-11-14 02a

Wheels x 12 8-11-14 03a

Wheels x 12 8-11-14 04aThe Fomotor Peacock ….she is so cute and tiny!

8 Wheels 03This is my Crofter; she spins beautifully…

Crofter 11

Crofter 04I have also recently acquired a double drive Ashford Traditional, a little upright which I am still trying to identify, a new Ashford electronic spinner, an Ashford Scholar, a Sickinger Kitty, a Genesis Arnon, another Ashford Traveller, a Sleeping Beauty Thumbelina and a George H. Young wheel. Photos soon!

I’ve also learned how to weave and own four looms: a Schacht Inkle Loom, and three Ashford Knitters Looms – 30cm, 50cm and 70cm 🙂


17 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Your scrabble friends will help you with your obsessions Melanie, you know we love you and want you to be happy. Only kidding it is great that you take the time to do everything you love to do. Keep up the good work and maybe someday you will make that leg warmer for Ivanka.


  2. After reading your new Blog… I sit here with a warm feeling inside of me, a proud feeling, such an achievement in one year. Melissa you are creative, determined, loyal, funny and a woman who always get the job done. Congratulations on this Coloufull Blog. Look forward to catching up on your latest news next time I am on my IPad relaxing sitting in my lazyboy having a coffee thinking if your fingers creating another masterpiece. Lol YFF xx


  3. Pingback: I’m excited about….Photoscape | melsnattyknits

  4. Hi honey bun 🙂 (???who’s Melissa??) (I thought you were Melanie!!!!)
    Well. Well Well. Haven’t you been a busy little knitter!!! Nice job on this blog page – you are so clever!!
    I actually cannot believe just how much YARN you have at your little unit!!!!! I hope that we won’t have to come dig you out of there one day!!! Do you think your current obsession with knitting socks will wain and you might take up knitting leg warmers???? I’m a very patient person – I’ll wait!!! Stay happy…. luv ewe xoxoxoxox


  5. You don’t muck around do you, talk about a concept during the day then put it into practice that night. Great job with the photo’s, I have taken your advice and downloaded photoscape also will let you know how I go.


  6. Hi Mel
    I’m a freelance writer and I’m working on a feature for Knit Today mag about special/unusual Christmas knitting projects. I’d love to feature your lovely lights in the piece – is that OK? If so I’d just need you to answer a few questions via email and send a couple of pics – if you’re happy to be involved email me at sarahrmcpherson@btinternet.com
    Best, Sarah McPherson


  7. Gosh I wish I owned all those spinning beauties!! I will buy my first one soon and hope to spin and knit to my harts content soon. Beautiful work and mostly wonderful spinning machines. Thank you for sharing your art.


  8. I have a wind wheel made by Hans Kruger bought at Adelaide Show 40 about years ago two of my friends have one too so by chance I bought up your info so would like to have more contact. My wheel is great but my friends have some problems we belong to a Spinners and Weavers group we have grown over the last 12 years from around 8 to 20 today. I have my original books etc.from when I bought my wheel. Will be contacting Ettrick hopefully he still makes them. Thank you Isabel


    • Hi Isabel, lovely to hear from you. I haven’t used my Windwheel in ages. I have 17 wheels and at the moment my favourite wheel is my Sickinger Kitty. Is there any chance you have access to a scanner? I would love to have a copy of your original documentation. Norm from Ettrick is still making the windwheel although they are quite expensive now. Cheers, Melanie


  9. Hi Mel. Just found your site and I think it is very refreshing. You have an energy that leaps out of the computer! I like that you are so obsessed with yarn pursuits as it makes me feel better about my obsession. I have shown your site to my partner because he thinks there is something wrong with me as all I want to do these days is create.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Robyn, thank you so much for contacting me! I am so happy you like my blog. I do try to make it as interesting as possible and include lots of links to interesting sites. There are lots of us out there: obsessed fibre fanatics! My non-fibre friends also think there’s something wrong with me 🙂 We must stick together!


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