My Third Foot…a ‘must’ when you’re a sock knitter

One of things I enjoy most about knitting socks (besides wearing them of course) is taking photos of the socks once they’re finished. Now, generally I use my own feet to model my socks however it is sometimes hard to take a photo from a distance unless you’re a bit of a contortionist and can stretch your arm away from your body as well as get your foot in the photo frame.

So one day I searched eBay (you can buy anything on eBay!!) for a foot mannequin and voila!….this is what I found.

Ebay foot mannequin

Perfect for my needs and it comes with its own little stand.

Luckily, this foot mannequin is roughly the same length as my foot but it is so much more slender and refined looking. A couple of different photos that I took of my foot mannequin….affectionately known as ‘my third foot’.

Foot Mannequin

As soon as I’ve finished a pair of socks, out comes the foot mannequin and on goes a sock. Out to the back courtyard I go and very carefully place the mannequin on the top of a pot of choc mint that sits on a table. The clothesline is above this table so luckily the top of the mannequin rests on one of the lines and I can take the photo without the mannequin toppling over. No doubt my neighbours think I’m a bit strange and probably think “Here comes Melanie again with her third foot ready for another photographic session”.

These are some of the photos I’ve taken of my socks using the foot mannequin. Don’t they look effective?

Four pics

You can also get some great close up shots of the heel flaps.

A Good Plain Sock 3

Leaves of Whimsy

Plus you can also take great photos of the pattern details of your socks.

Tidal Wave socks 5

See how the foot mannequin shows off the sock to its best advantage….lovely and slender….just like a model… opposed my fat foot on the right hand side.

Foot and mannequin

All in all a sound investment for an avid sock knitter. It’s easy to use, easy to store and makes every sock look like a million dollars!

Talk soon and happy knitting….


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