Wee Peggy Spinning Wheel

Wee Peggy assembly instructions can be found here and here.

Scotch tension instructions can be found here.

A diagram showing the parts of the Wee Peggy can be found here.

For more general information about New Zealand spinning wheels you can visit this comprehensive site dedicated to New Zealand spinning wheels and their makers. If you have information that is not contained on the site, please contact the site administrator direct (detailed on the site).

20 thoughts on “Wee Peggy Spinning Wheel

  1. Thanks so much for this! I just picked up a Wee Peggy at the QSWFA open day and it’s been really helpful as she needs a new retaining pin (which is a thing I didn’t even know existed) and I can see how to set her up for scotch tension. At the moment I’m still very much in the drop stage of spindling and my main interaction with the wheel is applying polish πŸ™‚


  2. thankyou very much my mother just bought a wee Peggy and I have one coming soon that is missing its flyer. I am hoping I could find out some information on flyers that may fit my little girl to get her up and running could you possibly point me in the right direction?


  3. Thankyou for you suggestions I may join the wee peggy forum. I am already a member of the spinners and weavers site and have had no luck from that end. On the up side I contacted Ashford as they did originally take over the wee peggys and they seem to think their current double flyers may fit. When I go to spinning club next month I will definitely be checking out the other girls Ashford wheels to test this theory.


  4. Hello I’m Marla and I live in Gifford,Illinois USA .I have an original Wee Peggy .It was my first spinning wheel back in 1985 and I have been spinning since. I belong to 3 spinning groups and am wanting to start my own group. I found out the difference between a Wee Peggy and a Little Peggy is that Little has 8 spokes in the wheel and a wee has only 6

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi I live in Gifford,Illinois USA . I too have a Wee Peggy that was my first wheel and I love it. I bought it in 1985 from my distributed as I was taking lessons at the time . I spin all the time and go to re enactments . I hope to start my own group sometime soon .


    • Hi Marla, thanks so much for contacting me. I would encourage you to start a spinning group as it’s a wonderful way to find like-minded friends who you can learn from. I love being a member of my spinning group πŸ™‚


  6. Another thing , my mom also has a Wee Peggy and her bobbins have a rounded end where you can use either end of my bobbins . I like that way better. When filling your bobbin it doesn’t slide off that end and wrap around the end. How long have you been spinning Mel?


  7. Well ok thank you. So what is your favorite fiber to spin and which spinning Wheel do you like to spin on ? Mine of course is the Wee Peggy but I do also have a Joy and an ashford saxony and and another saxony that my grandfather made for my mom that I inherited when my mom passed.


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