The Birth of a Cushion

Once upon a time there was a merino sheep that lived in Australia…

Merino sheep

It ate lovely green grass and breathed in lots of fresh Australian air to help it grow lots and lots of lovely fleece…

Merino grazing

When it was time, this lovely fleece had to come off. Who better to do that than an Australian sheep shearer…

Merino sheep shearing

Off came the fleece!

Merino sheep fleece

It was washed…

merino-fleece_washed 1

and set out to dry…


It was then carded and ready to be dyed…

Merino roving-wool-detail

It eventually found its way to a spinner who dyed it and sold it at the Redlands Spinners and Weavers open day in June 2012. This is how I bought it.

'Rustic' Roving 01

'Rustic' Roving 02

I used this wool top to spin my first ever bit of wool which was a huge learning experience trying to keep it a consistent size….I wasn’t very successful but I loved every moment of the experience.


Soon after I learned to ply my yarn, wind it on a niddy noddy and wind it into a skein…

'Rustic' Spun 10-4-13

I then wound it into two balls on my wool winder and swift…

'Rustic' Wound 02

Note the resemblance to something that could be used to tie the Queen Mary II to the dock. It didn’t take long to fill the wool winder! Back to the story….

I started to knit on size 10mm needles…

Rustic Charm Cushion 01

It was so rustic and chunky I had to resort to using a safety pin as a needle!

Rustic Charm Cushion 02

Another picture just to show you how resourceful you need to be when knitting!

Rustic Charm Cushion 03

And voila!….after a bit of stuffing a cushion is born!

Rustic Charm Cushion 05

Rustic Charm Cushion 04

Rustic Charm Cushion 06

It might not be big or even but it’s a genuine handmade article and I’m very proud of it. I may even crochet something to embellish it….maybe some sort of flower. I’ll think about it.

Rustic Charm Cushion 07

Of course, this was a very tongue in cheek and simplistic view of the journey from the sheep to the finished product. I probably missed some important steps but I think you get my drift.

This story is dedicated to Julie from The Mountain Spinnery in Brisbane who taught me how to spin. Thanks Julie! Here’s the finished product. And now I will keep practising 🙂

Happy knitting, crocheting, spinning and all other crafty bits and pieces that you enjoy.

Have a great week. Until next time…


5 thoughts on “The Birth of a Cushion

  1. LOVELY! I love the cushion. I’ve heard you can never go back to getting this rustic yarn after you learn how NOT to spin that way! heehee


  2. What a wonderful cushion! This will be a great memory in years to come. Good lateral thinking with the safety pin; I might have to borrow that idea one day.
    BTW: My first spun yarn is even MORE rustic that yours (there is a pic on Ravelry), and I haven’t made anything with it yet… :S


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